

Advantages of carrying out a good cleaning in pig farms

Advantages of carrying out a good cleaning in pig farms

23rd November 2022 - News

Within the security measures implemented in many farms, cleaning and disinfection programs are becoming increasingly important. Thanks to them, the entry of a pathogenic agent can be prevented, its spread slowed down, and the risk that it may pose to the farms, animals, and personnel working in the facilities minimized.

However, cleaning the rooms where the animals are housed is an expensive and unpleasant job for the staff working on the farm. In this sense, cleaning robots are gaining more and more relevance thanks to their multiple advantages.

limpieza granjas cerdos
Imatge d'un robot de neteja en una sala de mares.

Advantages of washing robots

  • Savings in energy consumption.
  • Savings in water consumption.
  • Reduction of slurry production.
  • Significant reduction in the time spent on cleaning.

The different models that currently exist on the market stand out for their reduction in cleaning time, and for the significant water and energy savings that it entails. This is highlighted by farmers who already use this equipment and who have gone from having a person dedicated to cleaning for three hours a day, to dedicating about three hours a week, thanks to the autonomy of the robot. As for water consumption, they have achieved a 50% reduction. On the other hand, it is worth noting the easy handling and programming of this equipment, as well as the possibility of using a different program for each of the rooms.

bioseguridad granjas porcinas
Image of a cleaning robot in a farrowing farm.

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