

The Spanish pig sector remains a leader despite the current situation

The Spanish pig sector remains a leader despite the current situation

14th February 2023 - News

Once again, the Spanish pig sector begins the year maintaining its position of international privilege and does so with figures that demonstrate its resilience in the face of adversities such as the drop in Chinese demand, the energy and raw materials crisis, tensions over political conflicts or the appearance of new outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF).

In the absence of definitive data, it seems that in 2022 Spain has, again, exceeded five million tons of pork produced and three million tons exported, figures that show, once again, how the Spanish pig industry have been able to take advantage of the situation and adapt to an uncertain environment. To this must be added the 415,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs in the sector.

What challenges must the sector face?

Energy self-sufficiency, animal welfare, digitization, and the circular economy are some of the main challenges that the Spanish pig sector must continue to face this year, without forgetting the threat of ASF and the PRRS outbreaks that affect many farms at the moment. It is also worth noting the need to carry out clear and transparent communication, which allows explaining to the public opinion the weight of the pig sector in the economy, as well as its exemplary role when it comes to adapting to circumstances, improving, and improving day by day.

Source: Interporc.

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